Today 14th of Nov 2024
Lots of sunshine: A northerly current will carry dry and temporarily cold air masses towards the Alps.
The weather
Sunny weather, mostly clear sky. In the North windy. Temperatures in the afternoon are between 7° in Sterzing and 12° in Meran.
Mountain weather
Very sunny weather with generally clear skies. On the peaks, the weather will often be windy and cold.
Tomorrow 15th of Nov 2024
Mostly sunny: High pressure conditions.
The weather
Sunny weather. High temperatures between 8° and 12°.
Mountain weather
The sun will shine all day on the mountains and the visibility is excellent. The wind will down and it gets milder.
The next days
Sunny weather: Saturday will remain very sunny and cloudless most of the time. Sunday will continue to bring plenty of sunshine and only in the second half of the day will a few clouds pass through. On Monday, denser cloud fields will appear and the sun will only come out occasionally. Tuesday will continue with a mixture of sun and clouds.